Virtual Horizons - now booking for 2025
Virtual Horizons can be toured and performed in studio spaces at arts venues, educational settings, community locations and as part of festivals.
For booking enquiries, please contact Jack at jackchamberlaincreative@outlook.com.
Virtual Horizons combines virtual reality and live theatre to tell a climate story of hope and resilience.
Audiences experience the first part of the show in a virtual reality headset. During this they are transported to Hull in 2040 and, after taking their headsets off, they meet Margery who needs their help preparing for an incoming large scale flood event.
Audiences are invited to get involved in the performance. Through facilitated interaction, audiences help Margery by moving FloodSax, preparing flood toolkits and planting wildflowers which can then be taken home.
Virtual Horizons combines technology, liveness and hope to build a powerful community response to climate change.
“I felt [like] part of a community even if I didn’t know most of the people attending the performance”
Audience feedback
Photography by Anete Sooda
Virtual Horizons was co-created with communities in Hull, working together to create a Hull-centric story about climate change. Our co-creators were involved in every step of the process including conceptualizing, reading rehearsal drafts, attending rehearsals and helping create props and set.
With thanks to our co-creator partners:
HU4 Community Trust
Bransholme Chat
Timebank on Preston Road
“It made me think about this concept of ‘no it’s not for the younger generation’. It’s for everybody to sort out. We all need to do something, even if it’s just plant one flower.”
Co-creator feedback
Photography by Anete Sooda
Virtual Reality
Developed by AVImmerse, Virtual Horizons begins with a bespoke 7-minute immersive virtual reality experience that takes audiences on a journey through Hull’s past, present and future. The experience transports us to 2040 and blends seamlessly into the live theatre experience.
“[The virtual reality] was an exciting addition to a live performance.”
Audience feedback
Screen grab from VR experience developed by AVImmerse
Photography by Anete Sooda